Debugging:-Computer system programmers, like most people else, are not perfect. This usually means the programs they create from time to time have little problems, termed “bugs,” in them. These bugs can be slight, this sort of as not recognizing user input, or extra really serious, these as a memory leak that crashes the application. Right before releasing their computer software to the community, programmers “debug” their programs, getting rid of as several problems as possible. This debugging method often requires a very long time, as repairing some mistakes may perhaps introduce many others.
Compiling:-When programmers make software packages, they 1st create the system in supply code, which is written in a distinct programming language, these kinds of as C or Java. These resource code files are saved in a textual content-dependent, human-readable structure, which can be opened and edited by programmers. On the other hand, the resource code can’t be run specifically by the computer. In order for the code to be comprehended by the computer’s CPU, it should be compiled into an executable application.
Most software program growth systems contain a compiler, which compiles resource code information into device code. This code, occasionally referred to as item code, can be executed straight by the computer’s processor. Thus, the resulting software is often referred to as an executable file. Windows executable data files have a .EXE file extension, even though Mac OS X packages have .Application extension, which is frequently concealed.
So the summary is a compiled application may perhaps have problems or bugs but not a correctly debugged system cannot have any.
So for a perfect application you need to debug and compile a program